Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Number

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Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Numbers.

List of all Well Fargo Customer Service phone numbers, mail addresses and contact methods for Wells Fargo Online Banking, Wells Fargo Auto Finance and Dealer Services, Wells Fargo Credit Cards, Mortgages and Loans, Accounts, Complaints and Small Businesses

The list includes phone numbers, email and mail addresses, Live Chat and Social Media contacts.

Please note that this page is not affiliated with or owned by Wells Fargo Inc. All phone numbers are sourced from Wells Fargo’s Customer Support.

Wells Fargo Customer Service Hours.

The primary Wells Fargo customer support line is open 24 Hours per day, 7 days a week.


Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Numbers.

These are the primary contact numbers for  the Wells Fargo Customer Support.


Wells Fargo General Banking Customer Service phone number: 1-800-869-3557

Wells Fargo Online Banking and Bill Pay Customer Service Number: 1-800-956-4442

Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Number for New Accounts: 1-866-245-3452


Wells Fargo Credit Cards Customer Service:

Wells Fargo Credit Cards Customer Service phone number: 1-800-642-4720.

Wells Fargo Customer Service Number To Report lost or stolen credit card: 1-800-642-4720

Wells Fargo Phone Number To Report lost or stolen Debit/ATM card or checks: 1-800-869-3557

Wells Fargo Support Number To Report Identity Theft: 1-800-869-3557

Wells Fargo Debit Card Activation Number: 1-877-294-6933

Wells Fargo Phone Number for Personal Credit Management: 1-888-667-6059


Wells Fargo Mortgage, Equity and Auto Finance Customer Service:

Wells Fargo Customer Care number for Home Equity: 1-888-667-6059

Wells Fargo Customer Service Number for Mortgages: 1-866-209-4652 or 1-888-818-9147

Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Number for Auto Finance: 1-800-559-3557

Wells Fargo Dealer Services Customer Support Phone Number: 1-800-289-8004

Deal Services Hours: Monday through Friday, from 5:00 am to 7:00 pm Pacific Time.


Other Wells Fargo Customer Support Phone Numbers.

Wells Fargo Contact Number For Hearing Impaired Customers TDD/TTY: 1-800-877-4833 (24/7)

Wells Fargo Support Number To Report other suspicious online activity: 1-866-867-5568

Wells Fargo Small Business Banking Phone Number:  1-800-225-5935

Wells Fargo Student Loans Customer Service phone number: 1-800-658-3567

Wells Fargo IRA Customer Service phone number: 1-877-493-4727

Wells Fargo Retirement Plans (401(k)) Through Your Employer: 1-800-728-3123

sources: www.wellsfargo.com/help/


Wells Fargo Customer Service Email Addresses.

If you prefer a direct email service, you can visit Wells Fargo Email Form and send your questions. You must sign in.

You can also try emailing retailonlineservice@financial.wellsfargo.com.


Wells Fargo Customer Service Mail Addresses.

There are various addresses for the different Wells Fargo departments, when it comes to postal addresses:

Wells Fargo Online Customer Service Address.

Wells Fargo Customer Service

P.O. Box 560948

Charlotte, NC 28256


Wells Fargo Auto Finance Address.

Wells Fargo Auto Finance

P.O. Box 29704

Phoenix, AZ 85038-9704


Wells Fargo Checking and Savings Accounts Address.

Wells Fargo Bank

P.O. Box 6995

Portland, OR 97228-6995


Wells Fargo Consumer Credit Card Services Address.

Wells Fargo Card Services

P.O. Box 30086

Los Angeles, CA 90030-0086


Wells Fargo Home Equity Address.

Wells Fargo Home Equity

P.O. Box 10335

Des Moines, IA 50306-0335


Wells Fargo Home Mortgages Address.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

P.O. Box 10335

Des Moines, IA 50306-0335


Wells Fargo Student Loans Address

Wells Fargo Education Financial Services

P.O. Box 5185

Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5185


Wells Fargo Corporate Office Address.
Wells Fargo

420 Montgomery Street

San Francisco, CA 94104


How to Complain to Wells Fargo.

If you have a complaint about a Wells Fargo service or branch, then you can call the customer service department on 1-800-935-9935 or the Wells Fargo Complaint and Feedback line on 1-844-WF1-CARE  (1-844-931-2273). The feedback line is open from Mon – Fri: 8 am – 10 pm  and Sat: 8 am – 9 pm, Central Time.

You can also send an email via the Wells Fargo Email Feedback Form (you must log in first).

If your time is limited, you can also tweet your question or complaint to the Wells Fargo Twitter Support service (Important: Do not include any personal account information). Please tweet at: @Ask_WellsFargo. This is the official customer service Twitter Help handle for Wells Fargo.

The Wells Fargo Live Chat is likewise a popular option. You can find the Live Chat form here.

Wells Fargo also has a thriving Community Page, where customers can ask questions and receive answers from other customers and Wells Fargo representatives. Search the archives first before asking question.

Lastly, you can also file a complaint with the Federal Reserve. You can file a complaint if you think Wells Fargo has been “unfair or misleading, discriminated against you in lending, or violated a federal consumer protection law or regulation”. Read more about how to file a complaint here.

How to Report Fraud to Wells Fargo.

If you are a victim of fraud then there a variety of phone numbers available to report to.

Wells Fargo ATM, Debit Card, or Checking Fraud.

Unauthorized debit card transactions, lost or stolen debit cards, ATM card, or checks. This phone number should also be used to report identity theft to.

Personal Accounts 1-800-869-3557
Business Accounts 1-800-225-5935

Wells Fargo Credit Card Fraud.

Unauthorized credit card transactions and lost or stolen credit cards.

Personal Accounts 1-800-642-4720
Business Accounts 1-800-225-5935

Wells Fargo Online® Services and ‘phishing’ Fraud.


Suspicious emails that appear to be from Wells Fargo should be forwarded to: reportphish@wellsfargo.com.

Wells Fargo Resources.

Wells Fargo on Facebook

Wells Fargo on Twitter

Wells Fargo on LinkedIn

Wells Fargo ATM and Branch Locator.

Wells Fargo Customer Support and Help Page.

Please share your experiences with Wells Fargo’s Customer Service, in the comment section.

3 thoughts on “Wells Fargo Customer Service Phone Number

  1. I am trying to get previous online statements beyond 7 yrs; like 8and 9 yrs ago. They refuse to give them to me w/out a court subpoena. Why? They are mine.

  2. The new changes to account layout and display mobile app are absolutely HORRIBLE!!! NOT helpful or improved one bit. Terrible for a MOBILE use.

  3. Received in the mail an opt out of sharing and limit direct marketing from Wells Fargo Financial Bank
    MAC 0003-038
    800 Walnut Street
    Des Moines, IA 50309
    Phone number. 855-257-8709

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